Atomic Structure:
Discovery of fundamental subatomic particles. Bohr's Hydrogen atom, Line spectrum and related problems. Introduction to quantum and Wave Mechanics, Quantum Numbers and related problems.

Periodic Table:
Electron Configuration and Periodic Table, Periodicity, Group trends in atomic and ionic radii. Group trend in ionization energies, Electronegativity, Ionization Potential, Electron affinity, Oxidation potential, Electrode Potential, Magnetic Properties, Diamagnetism and Paramagnetism.

Chemical Bonding In S And P Block Elements:
Different types of Chemical Bonds. Ionic bond, covalent bond. Hybridization and its application. Theories of Chemical bonding. Valence Bond theory and Molecular Orbital Theory. Lattice energy and Born Haber Cycle of ionic Compounds.

Halaogen and Zero Group Elements:
General Properties of Halogens. Halides and their reactions. Interhalogen Compounds. General Properties of Zero group elements. Special Properties of Helium, Compounds of zenon, their preparations and structure.

Environmental Chemistry :
Composition of the atmosphere. Chemical reactions taking place in the atmosphere. Industrial and domestic effluents and their treatments. Solid waste disposal technologies.

Vander Waal's modification of general gas equation, critical point and liquefaction of gases, the law of corresponding states. Kinetic energy and temperature. The law of equipartition of energy, Mean free path, collision number and collision diameter. Dipole dipole interactions. Induction effect and hydrogen bonding.

Liquids: Physical properties of liquids, surface tension, viscosity, refractive index. Phase changes, heating curves, Critical temperature, vapor pressure, boiling point, and volatility.

Solids: The symmetry of crystals. Symmetry, classification of crystals and unit cells. Arrangement of unit cells. Bonding in solids (covalent network solids, ionic solids, and metallic solids).

Solution process: Energy changes and solution formation, concentration units, Raoult's law of ideal solution. Colligative properties and its application (elevation of boiling point, depression of freezing point, lowering of vapor pressure, osmosis, osmotic pressure), Ideal and non ideal solutions, binary mixtures.

Bonding in organic compounds. Relation of structure with physical properties. Reactivity of organic compounds. Oxidation states of carbon. Structure and stability of reactive intermediates (carbocation, carbanion, free radical and carbene). Electrophiles & Nucleophiles. The arrow notation in reaction mechanism. Types of reactions; Substitution, Elimination, addition. Factors effecting reactions (reaction mechanism), electronic effects (Resonance & Mesomeric effects), steric effects, Solvent effects, Structural effects.

Theories of acids and bases. Lowery & Bronsted and Lewis theory of acids and bases & dissociation constant. Structure of carboxyl, phenol and their ions. Salt formation. Factors effecting strength of acids; electronic effects, steric effects, solvent effects, substituent effect. Basic compounds; aliphatic amines, aromatic ammines, heterocyclic nitrogenous compounds. Factors effecting strength of bases; electronic effects, steric effects, effects of hybridization, effects of substitution, solvent effects.

Isomerism; Structural (chain, position, functional group, metamerism, tautomerism), stereoisomerism. Introduction to conformational analysis of alkanes (Ethane and butane) and cycloa1kanes (cyclohexane). Geometrical isomerism (Cis and Trans configuration in alkene and cycloalkane). Optical isomerism with one and two chiral carbons. Racemisation and resolution of racemic mixtures.

Recommended Text:
1. Whitten KW, Davis RE, Peck LM and Stanley G “General Chemistry” 7th Ed (2004) Thomas Learning.
2. Ralph PH and Harwood WS “General Chemistry: Principles and Modem Applications” 8th Ed (2002) Prentice Hall.
3. Whitten KW, Davis RE, Peck LM and Stanley G “General Chemistry With Qualitative Analysis” 6th Ed (2002) Thomas Learning.
4. Manahan SE “Environmental Chemistry” 6th Ed (1994) Lewis Publisher
5. Dara SS “Environmental Chemistry and Pollution Control” 1st Ed (1993) S Chand & Co. Ltd., Delhi
6. Chang R “Chemistry” 7th Ed (2002) McGraw Hill, Higher Education Commission.
7. Atkins PW and Shriver DF “Inorganic Chemistry” 3rd Ed (1999) W. H. Freeman & Co.
8. Seager SL and Slabaugh MR “Chemistry for Today” 4th Ed (2000) Thomas Learning.
9. Mackay KM, Mackay RA and Henderson W “Introduction to Modem Inorganic Chemistry” (2000) Stanley Thomes Publisher.
10. Mc. Murry and Fay “Chemistry” 2nd Ed (1998) Prentice-Hall International.
11. Petrucci RH “General Chemistry” (1996) Prentice-Hall Inc.
12. Segal BG “Experiment and Theory” 2nd Ed (1989) John Wiley & Sons.
13. Brady JE “General Chemistry: Principles & Structures” (1990) John Wiley & Sons.
14. Brady JE and Holum “The Study of Water and its Changes” 2M Ed (1996) John Wiley & Sons.
15. Solomons TWG “Organic chemistry” 5th Ed (1992) John Wiley & Sons Inc. New York.
16. Morrison RT and Boyd RN “Organic Chemistry” 6th Ed (1992) Prentice-Hall of India Pvt. Ltd. New Delhi.
17. Sykes P “A Guide Book to Mechanism in Organic Chemistry” 6th Ed (1996) John Wiley & Sons Inc. New York.
18. Streitwieser JRA and Heathcock CH “Introduction to Organic Chemistry” 3M Ed (1989) Macmillan Publishing Company, New York.