Defects in Solids: Point defects, dislocations, defects as scattering centers.

Transport Properties of Solids: Boltzmann transport equation, relaxation time approximation, electrical conductivity, thermal conductivity, Wiedemann-Franz law

Dielectrics: Electrical polarization and susceptibility, mechanisms of polarization, effective field, electronic, ionic and orientational polarization, distortional and interfacial polarization, dielectric relaxation, behavior of dielectrics in static and time varying fields.

Magnetism: Classical and quantum theories of dia and paramagnetism, ferromagnetism (Weiss molecular field theory and Curie-Weiss law), spin waves, magnetic relaxation and resonance phenomena

Superconductivity: Introduction to BCS and London theories, flux quantization, type I and type II superconductivity, Josephson effect, applications of superconductivity, e.g. SQUIDS.

Recommended Text:
1. John P. Mc Kelvey, ‘Solid State and Semiconductor Physics’ Harper & Row, New York (1966)
2. C. Kittel, ‘Introduction to Solid State Physics’ Eight Edition, John Wiley and Sons., New York (2004)
3. Ashcroft – Mermin, ‘Solid State Physics’ Holt, Reinhart, Winston, New York (1976)
4. J. R. Christman, ‘Solid State Physics’ John Wiley and Sons., New York (1988)
5. H. E. Hall, ‘Solid State Physics’ John Wiley and Sons., New York (1995)
6. A. Guinier and R. Julien, ‘The Solid State’ Oxford University Press, Oxford (1989)
7. D. E. Neamen, ‘Semiconductor Physics and Devices’, Irwin McGraw-Hill (1997)
8. S.M. Sze, ‘Semiconductor Devices’ 2nd Edition, John Wiley and Sons., New York (2004)
9. A. M. Ferendeci, ‘Solid State and Electron Devices’ McGraw-Hill (1991)
10. A.K Jonscher, “Dielectric relaxation in solids”, Chelsea Dielectric Press, London (1983).